“What They’re Saying” Jacqui M

Name: Jaclyn Mulrain

Age Group:

  • 40-60


  • Female

Reason for taking Tom & Jerry’s Chocolate Tumeries:

  • Back Pain
    • Sciatica
  • Joint Pain
    • Knee
    • Hip

Could you describe what life was like before you got started with Tom & Jerry’s Chocolate Tumeries? (Symptoms, family history, etc.)

I have suffered from Arthritis for years, mostly in my knees feet and hips. I also have spinal stenosis which gives me great pain in my neck. At times I could not even manage a flight of stairs.

What were your goals when you started?

My goal was to continue not using any pain medication.

When & how do you take the each day?

I take two Chocolate Tumeries with coffee every morning.

How long have you been taking them?

I have been taking the “wonder” chocolates for about one year.

How would you describe the effect they have had on your health? Any stories you would like to pass along

Right away I felt relief and continued to do so. It was not long that I felt myself walking better and even skipping. This Summer I hiked up a mountain with my daughter, something I hadn’t been able to do for years. My whole body feels better and I am happier because of that.

What advice would you give to folks just starting out or thinking about getting started? Any additional comments?

 I have suggested to others to try this product and I can say that it changed my life I sleep better and I am more active during the day. The only thing that is negative about the Tumeries is now I am able to shovel snow again.


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