“What They’re Saying” Bob J

Age Group:

  • 40-60


  • Male

Reason for taking Tom & Jerry’s Chocolate Tumeries:

  • Back Pain
  • Joint Pain
    • Shoulder
  • Family History of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Family History Cancer

Could you describe what life was like before you got started with Tom & Jerry’s Chocolate Tumeries? (Symptoms, family history, etc.)

I’ve been dealing with lower back pain and shoulder pain for many years due to a weightlifting history. 

What were your goals when you started?

I was hoping to make the aforementioned ailments more manageable

When & how do you take the each day?

I keep them refrigerated and take one in the morning (the larger size) on an empty stomach

How long have you been taking them?

Approximately 6 months

How would you describe the effect they have had on your health? Any stories you would like to pass along

I’ve definitely noticed a decrease in pain levels; this has allowed me to work out harder with no ill effects.  As an added benefit I get to enjoy eating chocolate every day for health reasons!

What advice would you give to folks just starting out or thinking about getting started? Any additional comments?

Eat them first thing in the morning (my opinion) and be consistent!


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