Early Adopter Discount Cupon
Thank you for your interest in becoming part of Tom & Jerry's Chocolate Tumeries Early Adopter Program.
We're targeting up to 100 people who are looking to enjoy the benefits of our newly developed Chocolate Tumeries while we work out the kinks of building a company around their groundbreaking benefits.
- Cost: Use the discount code below to enjoy 30% discount; $24.50 per box & $70 for three month subscription with one box sent to you at the beginning of each month.
- Commitment to pass along feedback, 3 month trial is recommended for best results.
- Online/In Person Survey focused on benefits, taste, cost and general feedback
- Packaging; Our packaging has not been finalized, current packaging is functional only (Airtight Tupperware containers) but we have some cool creative ideas coming down the pike.
- How to use this?
When ordering use the code EarlyAdopter in the discount field during checkout.